Add to Cart. SOLD Arkham Zephyr. . Re. And I also thought it didnt offer quite enough high end for my tastes. All that with a Fender P, roto 66's and a Berg 610-T. I'm looking for a single speaker cabinet to pair these. 33 1/3 Volume 149: Suicide's Suicide. . SOLD ARKHAM ZEPHYR TUBE PREAMP. $900. Southern Illinois. I've never been much into trains, but I'm a sucker for streamlining and retro-future, and this thing is gorgeous. As far as I can tell it's an original design, which makes it all the more appealing and impressive. Search child forums as wellJule Monique and a great combo is a Quilter BB800 with a Arkham Zephyr preamp Nov 6, 2023 #83. Is the DI quality on the Oracle (w DI) similar or comparable to other studio level DI’s or comparable to the DI on the zephyr? Thanks! Hoping to join the club soon and will be sending the DI out to recording boards and FOH stuff a whole lot. Attempts were made to avoid. Oct 26, 2010 Don't get me wrong. The 1200 is a savage beast. Not a concise reply to your question but hopefully. so something different. There's a great demo by Kringle77 in the link below to give you an idea of what it does. Arkham Sound recently released their pedalboard-friendly Oracle Preamp, following the success of their fully. Tube preamps -- Arkham Zephyr/Oracle and Monique will do different flavors of tube-clean (and both are available as amps with integrated power sections). For example, the Arkham Zephyr tube preamp that I had only had one tube in it (a 12AX7). Oracle, and based on how i get it, that the Zephyr and the Oracle are basically the same circuitry: this >>"uses the Fender Tone stack">> iritates me. Epiphone EA-50T Pacemaker Tremolo 1965. The Arkham Zephyr This preamp is an elegant tube Bass preamplifier inspired by Ampeg’s iconic Portaflex series. 33 1/3 is a series of short books by different authors, each focusing on landmark albums by a variety of artists. Arkham Zephyr 1U Tube Bass Preamplifier. You’re arguing semantics:. So in this series I am covering bands that I have seen at the legendary Nottingham Rock City over the years (2002-2019). I'm doing some recording with a mic and the Zephyr's DI out. He first appeared in the Kingsport Horror expansion. Years ago, Michael Lane was part of a program to create the ultimate crime fighter. . Lightly used, I never gigged with it. The Arkham Zephyr (sp?) has two controls for the tilt control - one for the degree of tilt & another that slides the frequency of the 0dB point of the tilt up & down a frequency range. DISCOBAR005. I would love to hear a bit about how you find the pairing working. Awesome piece of gear. He is a human who became a demon after sacrificing his wife and later had a desire to obtain. The pre amp has a wonderful rich sound. Arkham Zephyr uses the Fender tone stack. See more ideas about lego trains, lego, lego creations. 10cc Inactive. Arkham Oracle is in the house, and I'm loving it. Format: 12″ Cat Nr. Used – Very Good. Brand New. Don't get me wrong. Arkham Zephyr Tube Bass Preamp Discussion in 'Amps and Cabs [BG]' started by kringle77, Mar 16, 2015. $900. The Oracle is pretty sweet using the RNDI, at least thru some decent cans at home Last edited: Jan 31, 2020. S. $900 $101 price drop. Used – Excellent. Buffered Lo-Z output, drives modern solid state power amps or recording interfaces with ease Gain, Treble, Bass controls - uses a James Tonestack to provide a wide adjustmentI just bought an Arkham Zephyr preamp and Carvin TS100 power amp from members here on the forum. Excellent condition. The point is that came 230V 50Hz. The only gear I’m interested right now is a Bergantino Forte HP or a. My Carvin DCM2000l crapped the bed and I'm looking to get a new power amp to run with my Arkham Zephyr. . . Used – Excellent. . Paul Nowinski is a bassist native of New York. Some good and appropriately sized power amp from QSC or maybe Peavey IPr II or Crest Powerlight. Selling my Arkham Zephyr rackmount preamp. 14-Day Return Policy. The venue recently had a new floor f. Its funny when i think i had to "settle" for the mesa boogie subway di lol. Thwarted by Batman, Michael confessed his sins to a priest of the religious sect, The Order of St. I have a brand new Arkham Zephyr tube preamp, and a "soon to arrive" Peavey Classic Series 120 tube power amp (I will be receiving that power amp in about a week from a fellow TB'er). That honestly never affected anything so I didn’t feel the need to change that. Let's try this: Stage LEFT: The Quilter BB800 Stage RIGHT: All other micro-headsArkham Zephyr 1U Tube Bass Preamplifier. Native voicing of the Zephyr is flatter than the somewhat scooped 201. I have found many different. Created in partnership with Crombie REIT, Zephyr is a community of homes that set a new standard for urban, green and sustainable living in one of Canada’s great. I mean. Arkham Zephyr Demo with Paul Nowinski! - YouTube 0:00 / 4:22 Arkham Zephyr Demo with Paul Nowinski! Arkham Sound 145 subscribers Subscribe 3. Earth. My cab choices really don't change much from the above. Nov 25, 2008 Hollywood. great condition, functions flawlessly, an amazing baxandall pre the brings the warm phat as needed. I'm more of a clean tube to some. Page 35 of 42 < Prev 1. Other Specs: Optimum. After spending a day with Rex, even the most hardened skeptic will concede that the man is. I believe it is almost exactly the preamp circuit of the old 70's SVT, NOT the SVT CL as the name suggests. Used – Good. $14. ARKHAM-THE ZEPHYR . Newer Than: Search this thread only; Search this forum only. Azrael. But I also like my Arkham Zephyr, Monique, PF50T all for different reasons. Besides adding the High pass switch and Range pot, it also has the D. For example, the Arkham Zephyr tube preamp that I had only had one tube in it (a 12AX7). Arkham Zephyr uses the Fender tone stack. Search titles only; Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma. Oct 5, 2023 #1. Beautifully built – even prettier inside than it is outside. Lovecraft, known for its dark and mysterious qualities. It's meaningless. I love the clean tone and tactile response from all-tube power sections with big iron transformers (I'm not into grinding distortion). Some rad, cool amp. Zephyr was badly mauled in the storm and was in constant danger of being thrown into the reefs that lie along Mayne Island's Strait-side shore. Lake Havasu City, AZ. . I have some questions about the Fender Bassman 100T. Search titles only; Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma. 0 Gator rack bag . Jun 9, 2017. I may be wrong, but I red somewhere that the eq controls on the Noble are boost only because designed as a Fender tone stack, albeit with custom. $820. Newer Than: Search this thread only; Search this forum only. Last edited: Oct 6, 2022. Search titles only; Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma. This thing plays like butter![ATTACH]Last Activity: Aug 11, 2023 at 12:21 AM Joined: Feb 1, 2010 Messages: 591 Likes Received: 1,020 Trophy Points: 158Yeah, I remember that. Agosix. I play a USA Fender P bass and a USA Fender J bass. Used – Good. . I have a 201 (non-s). Display results as threadsSo did everybody who wanted a Messenger get one? While I love mine, I find myself mostly just using the LPF and HPF. Here you go: Ash multi piece mim jazz, maple neck and board, nordstrand 75jazz single coils, pick, drop A. Arkham Zephyr Tube Bass Preamp Discussion in 'Amps and Cabs [BG]' started by kringle77, Mar 16, 2015. . 3K views 5 years ago Paul. LH1000 Bass Amplifier - Tube (12AX7) Preamp, Bass and Treble Shelving with peak Mid-Range 2x500 watt Bass Head. . Buffered Lo-Z output, drives modern solid state power amp. The Batman: Arkham games sit alongside Insomniac's Spider-Man as the best comic book games ever made. much more tubey drive from the Zephyr. $600. Levitamin. A. $699. If you're looking for an Ampeg tone/sound, you're better off with an Ampeg preamp or something else with a baxandall eq. SactoBass A retired civil engineer who likes all-tube amps! Jul 8, 2009. Arkham Sound - the Zephyr Amplifier. Danelectro Series D Model 68 Vintage Amplifier 1950's. . 8 anos depois de Origins, Batman está entregando o Coringa ao Arkham Asylum. Jan 31, 2020 #724. (~300 volts is a good range). I'm gonna look into getting one later in the year when I'm over in the Boston area. (I really wanted that, so it can used in recording situations or with PAs). Free Shipping. And yeah, that Bass Simplifier has a cool feature set, though I haven't heard anyone do a proper old-school tone with it in the few demos that exist. , it won't be damaged. May 10, 2006. Newer Than: Search this thread only; Search this forum onlySearch titles only; Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma. My good friend did the bass tracks. So in this series I am covering bands that I have seen at the legendary Nottingham Rock City over the years (2002-2019). If the amp in. How does the combo sound? Any experience with the d800 series to compare with the zephyr? cabinet. It does not have an active mid control, but if you're willing to play with the Gain, and the Bass and Treble controls to indirectly achieve a mid-boost, I think it would get you where. . That should be able to feed the jack output directly, with a transformer for the DI out. Nov 16, 2014 New EnglandArkham Zephyr Tube Bass Preamp Discussion in 'Amps and Cabs [BG]. My quick&dirty is that the Arkham is firmer, whereas Monique has a very pleasing squishiness to it that some people love, but I had a hard time getting the articulation I needed out of it. $825. With the Arkham series, Rocksteady Studios blended excellent freeflow combat, top-tier voice. . Aug 28, 2007 Central New York. There are shallow 2-3 unit rack cases out there as well. Cab is in. . Search child forums as wellOne thing that was sorely missed is the gadget shortcut mechanic while in combat. Ukiah Bass Supporting Member. Re. . For Sale: Bass Guitars; For Sale: Amps, Preamps, and Cabinets; For Sale: Effects and Pedals; For Sale: Bass Guitar Strings and Accessories; For Sale: Europe and InternationalLong shot, in case anyone needs some serious fire power. Newer Than: Search this thread only; Search this forum only. Search titles only; Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma. Dec 31, 2016 #26. The Zephyr features: - 12AX7 preamp tube* selected for good tone and low microphonics, and run at correct voltages (not a starved plate design) - Mosfet buffered Lo-Z output, d. Search titles only; Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma. Ignore the "number" of tubes. good luck OP. Ignore the "number" of tubes. There. Bass, Treble & Range. Jun 6, 2016 #5436 Another rig I have thought about is an Arkham Zephyr or Sonic Farm 2di4 (or Tantra) or Noble preamp into a well made lead sled SS power amp or an all-tube power amp of some sort. He has played and recorded with the likes of Les Paul, Keith Richards, Hubert Sumlin, Rickie Lee Jones, Patti. Just found this in the Bassman 100T mega-thread: "The reason the 100T is an ideal recording head is it gives you three DI options. Soloed bass tracks are included first, followed by the same with the repetitive, Garage Band guitar-loop they were recorded over. I am open to similar preamp /DI but at a higher trade value. Add to Cart. . Feb 23, 2009 Sydney, Australia. 99. I'm pretty excited about it. The Arkham line consists of 3 preamps, the flagship Zephyr which is a 1u rack preamp which has all of the features of the Abyss, with the addition of a “DI level. Jul 1, 2017 #55. Apr 29, 2020 #2111. Jun 6, 2016 #5436. Acoustic356. Arkham Sound - The Zephyr. The Arkham Zephyr This preamp is an elegant tube Bass preamplifier inspired by Ampeg’s iconic Portaflex series. Please Note: Arkham Sound is a boutique. I play a USA Fender P bass and a USA Fender J bass. HeavyJazz and gh0st42 like this. It’s in a 3-space rack, which is not heavy or unwieldy. Arkham Sound 70W Amp I have the Arkham Zephyr, which is basically the preamp section of that amp in a rack-mount package, love it. Paul Nowinski is a bassist native of New York. But I also like my Arkham Zephyr, Monique, PF50T all for different reasons. May 3, 2019 #39. Search titles only; Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma. I have no experience with the Oracle but I played through a Monique for around 2 years. Beautifully built – even prettier inside than it is outside. Display results as threadsWould like to also consider Trickfish Trilobyte, Shift-Line Olympic, and the Arkham Zephyr. thank you for meeting me! G. Or get an Arkham. . Jan 10, 2016 #123. What are the new, latest, greatest lightweight. Im moving away from rack gear, so making the difficult decision to sell this rare preamp. . The current lead time for this preamplifier is 4-5 weeks. Jun 9, 2017. Oct 28, 2013. I'm sure the Crest is a fine power amp, but it doesn't qualify as micro. Apr 26, 2006. The Arkham games (excluding Asylum) integrated that very well and gave you an incentive to actually use gadgets in combat. Newer Than: Search this thread only; Search this forum only. vs. There’s nary a mark on her. I'm always looking for reasons to spend money I don't have. Please Note: Arkham Sound is a boutique shop that builds to order. Avalon: In Arthurian legend, Avalon was a mysterious and mystical island associated with the afterlife and. Rapidamente as coisas dão errado e o Coringa assume o controle do asilo, libertando prisioneiros perigosos que ameaçam Batman e os trabalhadores do asilo. Arkham: A fictional town created by author H. Got a matching cab for the Ampeg PF350 and a new compressor from Empress. . . Dave Hill Supporting Member. This goes away when I turn off the Carvin. Dumas. Crown K2 Power output: 500 watts into 8 ohms, 800 watts into 4 ohms, 1,250 watts into 2 ohms (per channel, stereo mode); 1,600 watts into 8 ohms, 2,500 watts into 4 ohms (bridge-mono mode) This amp is dead quiet, both in self- noise and at operation (giant heat synch, no fans). Shift line Olympic Mk III . I would buy the Arkham Zephyr: [MEDIA] ARKHAM-THE ZEPHYR It's similar in spirit to Ampeg. The current lead. My quick&dirty is that the Arkham is firmer, whereas Monique has a very pleasing squishiness to it that some people love, but I had a hard time getting the articulation I needed out of it. $875. I would love to hear a bit about how you find the pairing working. Newer Than: Search this thread only; Search this forum only. . The two pres can overlap a lot, but the Zephyr is more versatile courtesy of the range control and adjustable gain (which, in the last third of its travel, with my passive bass, really starts to fatten up the sound and change up the feel). (here in Arkham Zephyr), but I try in Alembic F1X, BBe Max-t and Demeter . For IEM gigs or recording I have the P-15. EDIT: If you're still running a rack setup, you might consider the 1U Arkham Zephyr as a possible companion to your Monique (there's also the Abyss, which is 1/2 rack width, I believe, and halfway between the Zephyr and the Bullet in terms of features). $799. Search this category only'My Disciple of Tone'The "Range" control, featured in the Zephyr, allows you to sweep a boost or scoop throughout the entire midrange. I'm running an Arkham Zephyr tube preamp through a Carvin TS100 tube power amp. Newer Than: Search this thread only; Search this forum only. 0 rack for back line shows. I haven't played the BOBW, but I own (for the second time) an Arkham Zephyr preamp -- the BOBW is basically the Zephyr with a 1200W power section and an added, internal HPF (in addition to the separate, gently-sloping, Noble-style HPF accessible. 12AX7 preamp tube* selected for good tone and low microphonics, and run at correct voltages (not a starved. Features in Arkham preamps such as Lo, Mid, and Hi swtiches help emphasize and focus the boosts already available in the tonestack. The Arkham Octling or Zephyr might be something that's interests you as its a modern take on those classic ampeg tones. Bueno, continuamos con la fiebre «pos-evento», una de las cosas que suele pasar, es que enseñamos a posteriori, los detalles que se pudieron ver en el diorama, como esta Locomotora streamliner «Arkham Zephyr», de Loko, al que queremos felicitar doblemente, por su creación y por su. Mike Pope MPP-1 both cabs Reiner Rack Pre both cabs Demeter HBP-1 one cab Alembic F-1X one cab Arkham Zephyr one cab Ampeg SVP-Pro one cab I'd also trade one cab for a Line 6 HX Stomp JxBass , bass08053 , ReillyProductions and 2 others like this. My good friend did the bass tracks. Newer Than: Search this thread only; Search this forum onlyMica mentioned to me some months ago that he's working on that. One rackspace, light, and all business. . If you run it though a sealed 810 cab you're real close. Curious to read what your listening tests come up with. Shiftline marklll and Arkham Zephyr Nov 9, 2019 #16. The times have changed and so has my gear and this guy just isn’t. Features: James Tonestack, High Pass Filter, Mute, Low- Mid- High boost switches, DI level out, Input Gain control & Pre amp output control. There is a fair amount of discussion on the Arkham Zephyr here Arkham Zephyr Tube Bass Preamp The Oracle is the same as the Zephyr, but without an audio transformer/DI, in pedal format. In the process, I swapped a set of TI jazzers for a set of Jamerson. For slide bass, I think rounds (or Pressurewounds) work better than flats; they seem to vibrate more freely, giving a livelier feel, and they offer a. The venue recently had a new floor f. Page 8 of 11. good luck OP. Search titles only; Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma. I appreciate. Jun 11, 2013 Fort Worth. Groove Doctor. 14-Day Return Policy. Display results as threadsSearch titles only; Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma. I appreciate all posts! Arkham Zephyr Tube Bass Preamp Discussion in 'Amps and Cabs [BG]' started by kringle77, Mar 16, 2015. Or perhaps more like 135 degrees. Search titles only; Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma. I'm planning to use my Broughton HPF/LPF - it can go from unity to (IIRC) 20 dB gain. Features: James Tonestack, High Pass Filter, Mute, Low- Mid- High boost switches, DI level out, Input Gain control & Pre amp output control. No one said it was too much power, all three of us said it exceeds our needs. Locomotora streamliner «Arkham Zephyr». Heard some unreleased tracks last night from an upcoming record (from one of the greatest living guitar players). There's a great demo by Kringle77 in the link below to give you an idea of what it does. I. INTRODUCING: THE ARKHAM ZEPHYR! -- an elegant tube Bass pre-amplifier inspired by Ampeg’s iconic Portaflex series. Both 4-stringers with Lollar pickups (great tone!) So, please chime in with your suggestions. It's a hand-made, high voltage, single-space rackmount tube preamp that is, IMO, awesome! (I own one. One thing that was sorely missed is the gadget shortcut mechanic while in combat. 24. " I. The zephyr is the only thing i gas for. It's punchy, clear and quick. Thanks to all the participants. Newer Than: Search this thread only; Search this forum only. 00. Jan 17, 2009. One cannot be told what the Arkham World is. Jan 30, 2017 #8. Newer Than: Search this thread only; Search this forum only. It has alot of tricks using alittle circuitry where the ampeg has lots of tricks using lots of circuitry. SVT, B-15, grinds, flat, fat, smooth or just rude. Apr 13, 2018. But I don't get it. JulienP. 14-Day Return Policy. (I really wanted that, so. The Arkham games (excluding Asylum) integrated that very well and gave you an incentive to actually use gadgets in combat. (here in Arkham Zephyr), but I try in Alembic F1X, BBe Max-t and Demeter . Last edited: Oct 18, 2020. P. Used – Very Good. Arkham Sound - The Zephyr Out of stock $800. The ampeg is more about mid variety and the Zephyr has fatter lows and prettier highs without being scooped. If you're looking for an Ampeg tone/sound, you're better off with an Ampeg preamp or something else with a baxandall. 5StringPocket Supporting Member. Arkham Zephyr, Alembic F1X or F2B, Read, Demeter HPB. Price: $800. Search titles only; Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma. arbitrary likes this. = THE ARKHAM ZEPHYR = 12AX7 preamp tube selected for low noise and good tone, run at 300V B+ (not a starved plate design). Or get an Arkham. Jul 4, 2016 #9. And there's always the Ashdown Little Bastard / CTM-30. Another rig I have thought about is an Arkham Zephyr or Sonic Farm 2di4 (or Tantra) or Noble preamp into a well made lead sled SS power amp or an all-tube power amp of some sort. . (~300 volts is a good range). Now putting that Arkham Zephyr through the BB sounds like a stellar idea. Preorder. SF Bay Area. 14-Day Return Policy. Dec 26, 2018 #227. The rest of my amp gear is a GSS Baby Sumo,. cabinet. Nov. Damn i really want that arkham zephyr preamp. mrm56 Supporting Member. They didn't actually answer your question. review. The Arkham Abyss (I believe mine is the very first one) is Micah's new in-between model (between the Bullett and the Zephyr). Curious to read what your listening tests come up with. $900. interp said:. My Arkham Zephyr sounds more like an all tube head. . I think the OP is looking for a. $495 shipped. Arkham Oracle Tube Bass Preamplifier/DI. . 00 This is an elegant tube Bass preamplifier inspired by Ampeg’s iconic Portaflex series. Buffered Lo-Z output, drives modern solid state power amp. monsterthompson The Eighth Note Wonder Of The World Supporting Member. TheRealKong, Raw N Low and JJR58 like this. richie0801 Guest. $725. And there's always the Ashdown Little Bastard / CTM-30. How does the combo sound? Any experience with the d800 series to compare with the zephyr? Jim Carr likes this. 12AX7 preamp tube selected for low noise and good tone, run at 300V B+ (not a starved plate design). Arkham Sound 70W Amp I have the Arkham Zephyr, which is basically the preamp section of that amp in a rack-mount package, love it. It is tube based pre amp using two 12AX7 and one 12AU7 tubes. SM made you pause the game by opening up the gadget wheel in mid combat which was very counterintuitive. In my opinion, it is the bees knees! Here is an excellent review of the Arkham Zephyr by a TB'er who goes by kringle77. Price: $825. Estimated ship date: November 13, 2023. The Arkham Zephyr This preamp is an elegant tube Bass preamplifier inspired by. Hand wired bass Tube Preamp JoPreamp J-B15 JB15/B-15 RCA tubes. Arkham Zephyr 1U Tube Bass Preamplifier. 12AX7 preamp tube* selected for good tone and low. I've played various of @JGR's Reiner preamps -- will get more gritty than the Arkham or Monique, but will do pretty, clean (and pretty clean) sounds as well. I got to play it for a while in a standalone box and it is the closest in terms of fidelity and feel to my old CA9, aka. Looks like the Arkham Zephyr Give the man a prize! It's the original Zephyr with two tubes. I'm going to stick with his specs though. The Arkham is tighter/firmer down low. . . When disaster strikes, Rex Murphy is usually on hand, suffering the consequences. Epiphone Ensign EA-14 RVT 1966. Search titles only; Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma. The DI is awesome. What are the new, latest, greatest lightweight. Page 7 of 42 < Prev 1. That said, its really lovely and compelling. Nov 17, 2019 #18. I can also remove the HPF and OD, turn up some bass, and dub the sSOLD***. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] This week, I picked up an Acoustic Image Upshot cab and an Arkham Zephyr pre. .